Goat Farming
Our work


Goat Farming Project

Type of campaign

Goat Farming Project

Regions covered

KPK / Punjab

Projects undertaken

Providing goats and training to families in Pakistan.

Campaign objective

To help vulnerable families get back on their feet, we’re offering them the opportunity to start goat farming.
This sustainable project can benefit many people from just one initial donation. Each family is given two goats (male & female) which will produce approximately two offspring every 6 months. When they reach 4 months, the first pair of offspring will be returned to Salam Charity and given to a new family – so the cycle continues.


Vulnerable families





Why we've funded this campaign

2Sustainable projects like this don’t just help people to make an income; they play an important part in breaking the cycle of poverty. Slowly but steadily we want to empower people to contribute to their local economy and support their families.


What is the objective?

We would love to expand this project and grow it to a stage where we can provide a whole community with livestock.

Who does this campaign help?

Many people had their lives destroyed by the floods. Through this campaign we are giving them an opportunity to get back on their feet. It will not make them millionaires, but it will allow them to look after their families.

How has the campaign been going?

We have already given out 50 goats in Pakistan. The beneficiaries are happy and thankful for the opportunity.

Did the campaign encounter any obstacles?

None as of yet.

How has this campaign changed lives?

Putting people in charge of their own income and prospects is life-changing. Our goat farmers are fully supported by our regional team so that they learn the business skills they need to run their own venture.

What’s next for this campaign?

This will be an ongoing project. Help us to raise more funds, give out more goats, and make this a far-reaching initiative that changes many more lives in Pakistan.

Rameeza Q.
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