Water Wells
Our work


Water Wells

Type of campaign


Regions covered

Ghana / Pakistan / Uganda

Projects undertaken

Locating, constructing, and testing new wells, such as deep tube water wells and solar powered boreholes.

Campaign objective

We aim to improve access to clean water and help communities to build a better future. Installing water wells for poor communities has far-reaching impact, improving health and quality of life, supporting sustainable development, and reducing poverty.


Local people who don’t have access to clean water.


Building a water well takes up to one month. Each one can last for a minimum of 5 years if maintained well.


Fixed pricing for a minimum of 6 months.

Ghana :

  • Deep Water Well: $1400
  • Solar powered borehole: $6000

Uganda :

  • Borehole with a hand pump: $1200
  • Water well with a bucket (Shadof): $600
  • Borehole with water tank: $2400

Pakistan: Solar powered water well: cost $1200

Why we've funded this campaign

In Ghana, Uganda and Pakistan, communities in rural and remote areas are often in need of access to safe and clean drinking water.

Water wells provide sustainable sources of clean water, improving health and hygiene for rural communities.


What is the objective?

Clean, safe drinking water is essential for good health and hygiene.

For example, in Ghana, it is estimated that about 42% of the population does not have access to safe sources of drinking water, and about 57% of the population does not have access to appropriate sanitation facilities. Providing water wells can address this issue and improve the quality of life in these communities.

Our water well project also helps support sustainable development in a number of ways. For instance, access to clean water can improve economic development by enabling more productive use of land, supporting agriculture and industry, and helping to reduce poverty.

Who does this campaign help?

This project provides life-changing water to entire communities. One well can provide enough water for the whole village and is built in only one month, making this a project that will deliver great impact.

How has the campaign been going?

Since starting this project, we have built 200 water wells across Ghana, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It’s been a successful and impactful initiative.

Did the campaign encounter any obstacles?

This campaign has faced several obstacles including:

  • Weather: For example, in Ghana, throughout June till September it is the rainy season, which can disrupt construction work and make it difficult to drill and install a water well.
  • Water Quality: In some regions such as Pakistan, groundwater can contain high levels of arsenic, a toxic element that can contaminate the well water and pose a health risk. In these cases, filtration plants are necessary to remove the arsenic and make the water safe for consumption.

How has this campaign changed lives?

Clean water can change lives.

Just one well gives its local community better health, productivity, and sanitation. It saves many people from the long trek to an unhygienic water source, which means more children are in school and more women can care for their families. The safe water helps to reduce the spread of water-borne diseases, improving hygiene and overall health.

What’s next for this campaign?

By working together, we can help to build a brighter future for communities across the world. Help us to maintain and build new water wells – please give what you can today.

Rameeza Q.
to Where most needed
Oklahoma City, United States